
26 March 2017


Hybrid warfare has seemingly emerged as a major issue of discussion in most of the contemporary conferences and research articles on global defence. The concept and the debate around hybrid war is not a new phenomena. But today with the development of hybrid technology, hybrid warfare is dominating the world conflicts. Hybrid war involves irregular wars, illegal ransom, cyber attacks, propaganda for subversion etc. Even international law will become a tool in hybrid battlefield. So it is clear that today's war doesn't give the good old picture of formal armies fighting in a particular battleground! Hackers, war propagandists, weapons smugglers, Religious heads are the indispensable parts of Hybrid war!  This new and dangerous development opened up new possibilities in conflict ridden areas. The way Russia handled Ukraine issue and Islamic State's fighting techniques in Syria are the best examples for hybrid war!

Analysts in international affairs warned Asia, the largest continent of the world, is witnessing hybrid warfare. Advanced studies provided proofs that Asia is already under the strong clutches of Hybrid warfare. Douglas Ollivent, a Senior National Securities Fellow opined conditions like Ethnic conflicts in Asia, border disputes, lack of rule of law are more than enough to create and foster hybrid war in Myanmar, Pakistan, Thailand and other Asian countries. Earlier only national militaries had the privilege to some warfare techniques. Shifting such major military capabilities,  to irregular combat groups including terrorists is also a significant feature of hybrid war! Mainstream military weapons like intercontinental ballistic missiles in the hands of terror groups is a threat to world peace.

Hybrid warfare in Asia and disturbed relations of India with neighbouring China and Pakistan are new challenges to Indian defence strategy. Terror outfits in Pakistan or China can use those techniques, once used by Russian backed terrorists or Hezbollah terrorists. China supported Naxal activities in Northeast India have enough space to turn itself into hybrid conflict. The fact that China is one of the leading powers in cyber and robotics technology made Indian security more vulnerable and insecure.

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International law considers armed aggression crossing national boundaries as the center concept of war. Same logic will be applicable even in the case of identifying the aggressor. Hybrid war strategy bypasses all international laws because, there is no need to cross the borders to achieve subversion activities. For instance, China can train and arm pirate groups to create tensions in South China Sea. Pirates induced by China may attack ships and disturb trade routes. Finally China will increase the presence of Chinese forces based on the claim to control pirates. Increased Chinese presence, definitely result in unquietness in Asia. But China can defend it's intentions easily without restricting itself to the norms of international law! World has to agree that China achieved considerable amount of progress in cyber technology. China created a separate department to monitor cyber attacks and other related issues. In a shocking fact 'South China Sea' is the most targeted region in cyber attacks!

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." Says evergreen political strategist Sun Tzu. These words are really relevant in the reign of hybrid warfare specially in defending India. Since independence Indian defence forces tackled number of problems. But now a new phenomena of hybrid warfare questioning the defense of India. India should be ready to handle these new proxy wars and hybrid battlefield.

(This article was published in Central Chronicle Newsapaper on 4 March 2017)

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International Relations and Political Science
Alliance University, Bengaluru

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